I am writing to bring the members of the Section on Leadership up to date on activities within the Section and to provide some information about the upcoming Section Annual Meeting in January 2022. It goes without saying, that the work of the Section, like all of legal education and much of the country, has been working through the lingering effects of the pandemic, a gradual economic recovery, and continuing efforts to improve the national (indeed, international) climate for diversity, equity and inclusion. It equally goes without saying that these challenges all require effective, ethical leadership; everywhere. That call to action is the reason for our Section.
The Section leadership was pleased to arrange and sponsor (through the great assistance of AALS’s Clarissa Ortiz) a “Section Social” on October 19th. It provided a great opportunity for about 35-40 Section members to discuss their leadership classes, share information on syllabi and course coverage, and how the Section can provide additional resources to its members.
The following paragraphs will describe the activities of the Section, its leadership group (the Executive Committee) and the excellent planning that has gone into preparations for the annual meeting program.
I will look forward to joining members of the Section on a virtual annual program session in January of 2022. Please contact me at [email protected] for more information.
It has been a great honor to serve as the Chair of the Section this past year and the entire Section has benefitted from the terrific leadership of the Executive Committee.
Thank you and…Lead On!
– Donald J. Polden