The Section will hold it’s Annual Meeting program during the Annual Meeting of the AALS. The annual meeting will be conducted remotely. Here is the information about the Section’s program:
Leadership Education as a Component of Anti-Racist Education in Law Schools
Program Description:
Leadership education for lawyers continues to grow as more schools offer courses on leadership or integrate leadership development into existing courses and co-curricular efforts. At the same time, law schools are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate more anti-racist education into their programs. This AALS Leadership Section program will focus upon how and why faculty who teach leadership in law schools should incorporate anti-racist education into their content and methods. We will explore possibilities both for stand-alone leadership courses as well as how required courses – particularly those in professional responsibility — are an opportunity to introduce these valuable concepts to all students. The panel will provide a forum to discuss the potential of reframing our required professional responsibility courses to include introductory leadership development with an emphasis on equity and belonging and will also address effective ways of including cultural competency, equity, and belonging in independent law and leadership courses.
Kellye Y. Testy, President & CEO Law School Admission Council
April M. Barton, Dean & Professor, Duquesne University School of Law
Danielle M. Conway, Dean & Donald Farage Professor of Law, Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law
Garry Jenkins, Dean & William S. Pattee Professor of Law, University of Minnesota School of Law
Co-Sponsored by Clinical Legal Education, Pro-Bono & Public Service Opportunities, Professional Responsibility, Minority Groups, Law School Admission Council
Time: Sat January 8, 2022 from 3:10-4:25 p.m. EST.